Struct ECPIntegrator

Struct Documentation

struct libecpint::ECPIntegrator

API object that stores and handles all data for computing ECP integrals and their derivatives.

This is a higher level interface than directly using the ECPIntegral objects to calculate individual integrals. To use it, you follow these steps: 1) specify the gaussian basis 2) specify the ecp basis (either as a stream or from the library) 3) initialise the integrator, specifying derivative order 4) compute the desired quantities

The order of results follows the order of the atoms/basis functions as you specify them in steps 1 and 2. If you update the positions of your atoms at any point you must update them through this interface. Results are obtained as a pointer to a stream of data.

Public Functions

inline ECPIntegrator()

Default constructor, sets default values

void set_gaussian_basis(int nshells, const double *coords, const double *exponents, const double *coefs, const int *ams, const int *shell_lengths)

Constructs a basis set of GaussianShell objects from a stream of coordinates, exponents, coefficients, and angular momenta. Determines maxLB and ncart, and sets basis_is_set to true. The order of the atoms in coords determines the order of atoms in computed derivatives.

  • nshells – - the number of angular momentum shells in the basis

  • coords – - a stream of cartesian coordinates (in bohr) in xyz order for each shell (size should be 3*nshells)

  • exponents – - a stream of primitive exponents for each shell (size should be sum of shell_lengths)

  • coefs – - a stream of coefficients corresponding to each exponent in exponents

  • ams – - the angular momentum of each shell (size should be nshells)

  • shell_lengths – - the number of primitives in each shell (size should be nshells)

void set_ecp_basis(int necps, const double *coords, const double *exponents, const double *coefs, const int *ams, const int *ns, const int *shell_lengths)

Constructs an ECPBasis with ECP objects for each ECP from streams of data. Determines maxLU. The order of the atoms doesn’t matter, and ids will be matched to the order from set_gaussian_basis.

  • necps – - the number of ECPs

  • coords – - a stream of cartesian coordinates (in bohr) in xyz order for each ECP (size should be 3*necps)

  • exponents – - a stream of primitive exponents for each ECP (size should be sum of shell_lengths)

  • coefs – - a stream of coefficients corresponding to each exponent in exponents

  • ams – - the angular momentum of each primitive in exponents/coefs

  • ns – - the order of r multiplying each primitive - we follow the convention where 2 is the default

  • shell_lengths – - the number of primitives in each ECP (size should be necps)

void set_ecp_basis_from_library(int necps, const double *coords, const int *charges, const std::vector<std::string> &names, const std::string &share_dir)

Constructs an ECPBasis with ECP objects for each ECP, from the built-in ECP library. The order of the atoms doesn’t matter, and ids will be matched to the order from set_gaussian_basis. It will search for the file “share_dir + / + name + .xml”

  • necps – - the number of ECPs

  • coords – - a stream of cartesian coordinates (in bohr) in xyz order for each ECP (size should be 3*necps)

  • charges – - the atomic numbers of each ECP atom (in same order as coords, size necps)

  • names – - the name of each ECP, in same order as charges, e.g. “ecp10mdf” (size necps)

  • share_dir – - the location of the share directory with the ecp library (typically “PATH/share/libecpint/xml”)

void update_gaussian_basis_coords(int nshells, const double *coords)

Updates the positions of the GaussianShells. The order of the coordinates must match that when originally specified in set_gaussian_basis.

  • nshells – - the number of angular momentum shells in the basis - must match nshells from set_gaussian_basis

  • coords – - a stream of cartesian coordinates (in bohr) in xyz order for each shell (size should be 3*nshells)

void update_ecp_basis_coords(int necps, const double *coords)

Updates the positions of the ECPs The order of the coordinates must match that when originally specified in set_ecp_basis/set_ecp_basis_from_library

  • necps – - the number of ECPs

  • coords – - a stream of cartesian coordinates (in bohr) in xyz order for each ECP (size should be 3*necps)

void init(int deriv_ = 0)

Initialises the ECPIntegral object, and determines the atom ids for each GaussianShell and ECP. This must be called AFTER the ECP/Gaussian bases are set, but BEFORE calling any of the compute functions.


deriv_ – - the maximum derivative order to be computed; affects whether compute_first/second_derivs can be called; default 0

void compute_integrals()

Computes the ECP integrals across all shell pairs, returning the results into the integrals matrix. The order of the shells is canonical cartesian order, and matches the order in which the shells were specified in set_gaussian_basis.

void compute_first_derivs()

Computes the first derivative of the ECP integrals with respect to each atomic coordinate, placing the results in first_derivs. The atom order matches that specified in set_gaussian_basis, in xyz order.

void compute_second_derivs()

Computes the second derivative of the ECP

integrals with respect to each pair of atomic coordinates,

but taking into account symmetry of second derivatives. The atom order matches that specified in set_gaussian_basis. See the docs for second_derivs for detailed description of the order.

inline std::shared_ptr<std::vector<double>> get_integrals()

a shared pointer to the underlying data for integrals The packing is such that M(i, j) = i*ncart + j.

inline std::vector<std::shared_ptr<std::vector<double>>> get_first_derivs()

a vector (size 3*natoms) of shared pointers to the data for first_derivs the packing is the same as for get_integrals, and the order is Ax,Ay,Az,Bx,By,Bz, etc.

inline std::vector<std::shared_ptr<std::vector<double>>> get_second_derivs()

a vector (size 3*natoms*(3*natoms+1)/2) of shared pointers to the data for second_derivs the packing is the same as for get_integrals, and the order is that specified in the docs for second_derivs

Public Members

std::vector<GaussianShell> shells

a container of the Gaussian basis shells

ECPBasis ecps

a container for the ECPs

std::shared_ptr<ECPIntegral> ecpint

pointer to the ECP integral engine

int maxLB

the maximum angular momentum in the gaussian basis, determined by set_gaussian_basis

int deriv

maximum derivative order to be calculated (defaults to 0)

int ncart

total number of cartesian gaussians in the gaussian basis, determined by set_gaussian_basis

int natoms

total number of distinct atoms, determined during init

double min_alpha

the minimum exponent in the gaussian basis

bool ecp_is_set

true if the ecp basis has been set, false by default

bool basis_is_set

true if the gaussian basis has been set, false by default

TwoIndex<double> integrals

Container for the calculated ECP integrals, in canonical Cartesian order i.e. for L=2 : {x^2, xy, xz, y^2, yz, z^2}

std::vector<TwoIndex<double>> first_derivs

Container for the ECP 1st derivatives, matrices are in same order as integrals, order in the vector is {Ax, Ay, Az, Bx, By, Bz, … } where atom order {A, B, C, …} is the same as provided when calling set_gaussian_basis. Total length is 3*natoms

std::vector<TwoIndex<double>> second_derivs

Container for the ECP 2nd derivatives, matrices are in same order as integrals, order in the vector is {AA, AB, AC, …, BB, BC, …, CC, …} where atom order {A, B, C, …} is the same as provided when calling set_gaussian_basis. The coordinate order within this is {xx, xy, xz, yy, yz, zz} for AA, BB, CC, etc. and {xx, xy, xz, yx, yy, yz, zx, zy, zz} for AB, AC, BC, etc. Total length is therefore: 3*natoms*(3*natoms+1)/2